Frequently Asked Questions

Please take a moment to read through our frequently asked questions.
Q: Are Support Office employees eligible for a referral bonus?
A: Unfortunately, only clinical team members are eligible for a referral bonus by referring a new hire to AVG. Support Office employees (Marketing, Finance, Recruiting, Operations, Expansion, etc.) are not currently eligible for the referral bonus program. We encourage Support Office employees to share our careers website with potential referrals, and the referral can name the current employee in their application. You may visit our careers page via

Q: Who is excluded from receiving an Employee Referral Program bonus?
A: Hiring Managers are excluded from submitting referrals to roles over which they have direct hiring authority. For example, a Practice Manager cannot submit a referral for a support staff position at their own hospital, as they have hiring authority over the role; however, they can submit the same individual for a position at another hospital where they do not have hiring authority. The Practice Manager is not excluded from hiring a team member with whom they have previously worked with; however, they cannot benefit from the bonus while making the hiring decision.

Q: Can I submit a referral for a Support Office position?
A: We love employee referrals and would encourage you to share our careers website
with your colleagues! While there is no bonus associated with Support Office roles, we can track referral sources through our online application. Within the online application, there is a section for the applicant to include your name as the team member referring them to AVG. While there is not a referral bonus for Support Office roles, this field ensures that the hiring manager is aware of your referral’s relationship to you.

Q: I referred someone, but I did not fill out the referral form before they were hired. Am I still eligible for the referral bonus?
A: Unfortunately, the referral form must be completed before the referral is hired, and ideally, before they make any contact with the recruiter or hiring manager. There is no way to track that a hired employee was truly a referral if the referral form was not completed prior to their hire date. Therefore, it is imperative that all referral forms are submitted before the referral has any contact with American Veterinary Group.

Q: How do I submit a referral for American Veterinary Group?
A: You may submit a referral to AVG/UrgentVet by visiting the referral website. The Talent Relations team will follow up with next steps once your referral is submitted. This is either an initial phone screen or a handoff to the appropriate hiring manager.

Q: Where can I find more information about the American Veterinary Group Employee Referral Bonus Program?
A: You can find more information on the Employee Referral Bonus Program Guidelines
document and the referral website.

Q: I have questions about a referral I submitted. Who may I contact for more information?
A: You may ask your supervisor for more information, or you may email Someone from the Talent Relations team will be in touch with more information.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of people that I can refer?
A: Absolutely not – there are no limits to the number of referrals that you can submit. We
encourage you to refer as many people as you’d like!